Ready Player One

Amir Zaiz
8 min readApr 8, 2022

Ready Player One CW1

Blog 1- GTA 5 Open world games a virtual tourism and smaller worlds

This blog will focus on the virtual spectacle of open world games and their ability to be bring large cities or time periods to a smaller more condensed map while still offering players the ability to experience all that each unique map or world holds.

This blog will focus on GTA V recreation of Los Angeles through its iconic map Los Santos. The world of GTA V was famed for its phenomenal design of Los Angeles as the famous city was brought to the virtual world on a more condensed scale. These virtual worlds focus on including major themes/ buildings or objects synonymous with specific worlds, the spectacle of these worlds are designed to amaze fans with the players ability to visit the location virtually and experience Rockstar games recreation of Los Angeles. This pastiche of Los Angeles gives users a semi authentic feel of what the city would feel like in the real world, for example the famous Griffith Observatory can be seen from LSIA which is the in-game airport. The truth is that if users were able to visit Los Angeles, then you would not be able to see the two. This is a key example of the games ability to condense its map and allowing users to travel quickly between iconic locations in a much quicker time bracket. These smaller scale maps that include certain elements exclusive to each world or in this case GTA 5 famous recreation on Santa Monica Pier and the Hollywood sign offer this ability to visit places many users would only dream off; in some cases, these worlds offer a mode of visitation that in recent years only GTA V has been able to create. The condensed world offers the ability to view these famous landmarks in a much smaller space giving an illusion of how big they are portrayed; these iconic landmarks fill up large areas of the map which only adds to world.

The touristic element is integrated into the game as users are forced to travel up and down the map to explore each corner and engage in some way, in the same way tourists would explore distinct locations in the real world the users is forced to do the same. GTA V made every aspect of its world feel alive and engaging, regardless of what corner of the map users were exploring there would be a different dynamic to explore. The open world element of the game not only extends to the naturalistic elements of the game but also the civilised world that the users interact with, these realistic moments make the game feel more alive. The behaviours of the NPC in the world contributes to the touristic elements just as much as the scenic views, the individual reaction to each NPC adds to the realism with users feeling they live within a real world rather than a virtual recreation. GTA V ability to keep this touristic element consistent within its world through its addition of DLC content and expansion of its world is what keeps the game fresh, this inclusion of various side-quests is quintessential to keep users engaged. Unlike other open-world games which can end up feeling empty and void after completion, the world of GTA V continues to invest to keep the game fresh with the inclusion of these new locations and side quests. The social element of GTA V adds a uniqueness to the touristic element, the ability to explore iconic areas of the map will always be a spectacle for players at first but when combined the social aspect of the game it becomes a unique experience. The same feeling and sensation users have when exploring an area individually contrasted to socially with others is something unique that users will have fond memories off.

Blog 2- Pokémon go’s immersive style

The following blog will discuss Pokémon go’s immersive style and the way in which the mobile game become one of the most popular games through its use of augmented reality and location-based gameplay. Pokémon Go revolutionised the world of mobile gaming by using the users’ phone as a positioning device when exploring, the concept of mirroring the digital world into reality in a map format offers users the ability to feel as if they were in the Pokémon universe. The map that users saw on their screen mirrored that of our world from every street to alley, every new turn offered the ability for a new interaction whether that be a new Pokémon or rival gym for players to battle.

The main reason for the games immersions is its forcing of players to go outside and explore, users had little to no success simply playing the game sat at home, this forces players to be physically active in order to fully experience the game. This is the first piece of immersion we see in the game physically, although the player is walking through the real-world their attention is focused on the virtual one, they are playing in the real world physically but becoming immersed through their phone. The physical aspect of the game immersed thousands of players that many began adjusting their routines around the game, the creators would include various tasks, rewards, or objectives that could only be completed during certain times or areas. The power the game had over users to be able to physically change their routine only shows how engaged and immersed users are, the fact that playing virtual games involved sitting in one space for hours is a testament to Pokémon Go’s immersive brilliance.

Another form of immersion that takes place within the game is the narrative and journey aspect of the game, rpg games that involve the growth of a virtual character through the player playing continuously of the game inevitably lead the user to form a connection with the character or become heavily involved with their growth through the game. The desire to continue on this path and see how each unique story will play out is what keeps players curious and engaged, this desire to keep going is what results in this narrative immersion.

“Immersive narratives remove that distance completely, encompass your reality and allow you to be the lead of the story. The boundary between your physical actions and the digital experience blur, and the end result is not something you watch or something you play, but something you live through” (Rizzotto 2018)

Pokémon Go users continued to be immerse through the relationship between themselves and the Pokémon creatures within the game, these animals began shifting from virtual creatures on a screen to items that players cared for. Users wanted to test their Pokémon’s skill against other wild Pokémon or other players if they so wish, the player becomes immersed in not only the growth of their own characters but the Pokémon they capture and evolve along the way. The user has the ability to see a 3D image on screen of a realistic Pokémon which not only adds to the experience of playing the game but offers even more of connection to be made between the player and Pokémon.

This concept of immersion within the game stretchers to a social aspect within the journey, this is formed through interaction between players. This can be through player interactions in various gyms, trading through the game or players interacting with each other in the real world. These social traits come out of a player’s desire to returning to this virtual world without this users can feel lost without their regular interaction with the game and players therefore that connection is needed. These social moments can be seen in rival gym battle which is a major concept within the game as these challenges and fights are such key moments within a player’s growth, these interactions would not be possible without the physical aspect as before mentioned earlier.

People from all social classes are pulled together through these various immersive aspects and each adds a uniqueness to an individual’s experience with the game.

Blog 3- Retro games as nostalgia through Street Fighter

In the modern world we are living in a golden age of video games, the modern video game is an ever growing cinematic and gaming phenomenon with every year bringing contemporary designs and styles. In this blog however, I will be taking a trip down memory lane and discuss the nostalgia that exists are retro gaming and more specifically Street Fighter.

Many users grew up playing retro games so they will always have a special place in a gamers heart, the feeling of playing these games as your older selves makes users feel like kids again. Retro games evoke these happy feelings in us, the pixel graphics to the uncomplicated design all invoke feelings of happiness. A feeling of escapism exists when playing these games as users are drawn back into a time without problems and responsibilities, gamers become free of any problems for these few minutes or hours when engrossed in these worlds. These games make users feel good about life, these feelings of happiness will always return with more retro games becoming accessible, no problems look to exist when players are engrossed in the game. Although the franchise has grown to become one of the highest grossing games of all time the roots of Street Fighter exist in a simpler time, the experiencing of colours, maps or characters upon the games original release are synonymous with the early years of gaming which invoke these nostalgic. The original design and styling is something unique that fans will always return to plus with the addition of newer consoles and games when users return to retro games the experience of being their younger self will never get old.

The simplicity that retro games such as Street Fighter brought was such an integral aspect of the game’s success, games are constantly evolving and although that has its positive aspects at time simpler is the key to a successful game. Retro games such as Street Fighter thrived due to their simplicity when playing on console, the game was limited due to its buttons and strength of the consoles at the time. The game offered the ability for anyone to play due to its simplicity and anyone could learn the game, the game was kept simple to avoid overcomplication and not feel daunting to inexperienced players. This is instrumental to the success of the game now as the games till carries the same basic mechanics with the addition of new fighting moves, abilities, and finishers. The success of Street Fighter brought the game to arcades in which the controls remained simplistic, older fans still recognise these mechanics regardless of playing on the retro or more modern consoles. The simplicities continued beyond the gaming mechanics with users being limited to eight characters and only a handful of maps, this allowed games to learn and understand each character’s individual ability allowing them to learn quicker.

The nostalgia of Street Fighter also exists in a social sense through player vs player interactions before the modern birth of online play the only way to play socially was through both users playing co op on the same screen. The nostalgia of playing with friends in a gamers younger days is what draws that nostalgic feeling as the memories and enjoyment you make within the game are what draws you back.

The nostalgia of Street Fighter is something that will never be lost, the iconic 1987 game carries themes from retro games that still exist with the gameplay and characters in the game, this gives users a friendly feel when playing the game and its mechanics have become iconic from its time.


Rizzotto L, The Real Reason Behind Pokémon Go’s Success Storytelling matters today more than ever, Viewed 6th April 2022 <>

